Welcome to the Bennington Area Trail System!
For current trail conditions and access updates, see the sidebar.
Stay up to date by signing up for our E-News, read our News Blog posts, or check our Facebook page.
Tag us on Instagram @batsvt
For current trail conditions and access updates, see the sidebar.
Stay up to date by reading our News Blog posts, or check our Facebook page.
Tag us on Instagram @batsvt.
Latest News

Trail Updates
See our Trails Page for trail description and map.
–Update: As of May 2023, parking is currently not available at Camelot Village!
–New Trail Open: Zaphod’s Run! Hike to a gorgeous lookout with an expansive view of Bennington. Visit the Trails page for an updated map.
-Trails Conditions: Avoid when wet or thawing. Using them during this fragile time damages trails and makes more work for our volunteers. See Freeze/Thaw info.
-BLOWDOWNS- Report with approximate trail location (or Trailforks screenshot), photo, rough diameter of tree, and something in photo for scale to BATSVT@Gmail.com
-TRAIL WORK Days: Posted when possible on our GroupMe Text App, E-News or Facebook.
Thanks for all your help!
If you volunteered report the hours. Widget at bottom of page.