How Can I Get Involved with BATS?
Join BATS as a Member and Volunteer
Donate Directly Via PayPal – OR- mail a check made out to”Bennington Area Trail System”, 424 Dewey Street, Bennington, VT 05201
How Do I Join?
To Join As A BATS Member- Go to VMBA.ORG/Membership
Choose BATS as your Primary Chapter
There is the option to add us, as your Add-On Chapter for a reduced rate if you are already a VMBA chapter member elsewhere
It is very important that we have active members and volunteers. The trails simply cannot maintain themselves without membership dollars and volunteer support and efforts! By becoming a member of BATS, you are becoming a yearly chapter member of the Vermont Mountain Bike Association (VMBA). The membership term runs from April 1 – March 31st of the following year, but you can join at any time, but to maximize your membership join early!
By selecting BATS as your primary chapter, BATS receives a portion of your membership dues. This helps us with our trail maintenance and programming costs. Your BATS membership will help VMBA continue to advocate for and support trail networks (bike and multi-use in our case) throughout the great state of Vermont. When you join BATS you will also receive a Vermont Mountain Bike Association (VMBA) membership packet with ever growing benefits including:
- Trail & downhill bike passes and skiing vouchers around Vermont
- Lodging, food, and merchandise discounts
- The opportunity to help us create the Bennington we envision
- Trail building & stewardship/maintenance experience & and sense of community (and lots of high-fives)
- A BATS t-shirt * decals, and other merch available
Commonly Asked Questions

Q: I use/don’t use the BATS trails. Why should I join BATS?
A: BATS is a chapter off the Vermont Mountain Bike Association. They provide our club with trail grants and a portion of membership fees. These funds help us build and maintain trails, trailhead interpretive signage, and trail signage. They also provide us important access to volunteer liability insurance, grants funding, resources and support in managing trails and working with partners and landowners, and so much more. They advocate for sustainable trail development, which is something we support 100%.
Q: How can I help? I would LOVE to be a volunteer!
A: There are many ways. Consider:
- Volunteering at a trail work day or two, adopt a section of trail, or work with another maintainer
- Attend Board Meetings, or consider a role on the board when a position is open
- Donate materials, hard skills, or equipment for maintenance or getting kids on bikes
- Lead a walk/hike/bike (contact us for brainstorming)
- Donate directly to the club (email batsvt @ ) , via Paypal, or mail a check made out to “Bennington Area Trail System” to, 424 Dewey Street, Bennington, VT 05201
- Spread the word about BATS to your friends
- Take photos and tag #batsvt or email/FB message us your photos
- Be a good steward and follow our Trail Etiquette & Rules. Consider trail conditions before you go!
- Stick to established trails; don’t blaze or make your own, but instead participate in the conversations and planning

We need your help, skills, and enthusiasm to make the trails (old and new) on Mt. Anthony and beyond the best they’ve ever been!